Friday, October 19, 2007

What a Week

Wow, what a week. We've been busier than squirrels getting our stock ready for the upcoming Home & Country Show at the CNE's Automotive Bldg next week. It's starts Oct 25 through 28th and our booth is a group effort of beautiful not so shabby, shabby-chic style furniture, photography, jewelry, pillows and handbags of all styles, shapes and designs and all from the 'discard pile of life'. This week we shipped our recycled wares to two new stores in Nelson B.C. and a Webstore in Manitoba, managed to re-stock some current stores and still have loads of fabulous product for the show. Last year we had so many visitors to our little 10' x 10' booth but this year we're going twice as big with all our eco-fab goodies. We do hope you'll come out and see just how much we can pack into our booth to tempt you...Christmas is just around the corner and there's no better time than the present to think about our future...Buy Recycled, Hand-made, Canadian! See you at the Show.

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