Monday, October 22, 2007

One Green Thing

If only everyone would do just one thing to green up their act...
Here's one thing we propose. Come to the Home & Country Show Oct 25 - 28 at the CNE Automotive Bldg Toronto and check out Echoes in the Attic's greener choices.
Along with our best-sellers Purse-nickety, Hipster(Hipster Doofus for you Seinfeld die-hards), Purse-nickety Hipster (the hybrid) and ReBag we're launching a couple of new things...our huge recycled Tote Bags are finally here, and Christmas gift packages which include our sell-out ReBag made of 100% 'rescued remnants' with 2 organic, fair trade body bars from Simply. Simply has been enjoying such popularity that it makes it difficult for Amanda to get around to make her 'no-emissions-footprint' bike deliveries. Simply has the same ethos as Echoes in the Attic so we got together. What better container for body bars to come in than a recycled purse. Brilliant!
So, do your planet a service, support Canadian, home-grown business doing their best to do just one thing to help you green up your act.
See you at the show.
Laura & Vicky

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