Monday, October 29, 2007

Thanks for coming to the Canadian Home & Country Show

A very big thank you goes out to all friends new and old for coming out to the Canadian Home & Country Show to see our recycled wares for 2007 and say Hello to Vicky and me. We had the prettiest booth in the show (in our humble opinion). We shared with two talented sisters from Shabby Lane Interiors and From the Inside Out Photography. The impact was wonderful we think you'll agree it looked like we'd all been in a store together for years. Response was wonderful and it seems recycled is even hotter than ever. Watch for our next sale coming this weekend at No Men Allowed (we didn't name it, we're just participating) 63 Wingold Ave. 2nd floor. It's a Designer Showroom open to the public for Saturday 11 -5pm and Sunday 11 - 4pm only! We'll see you there!

Monday, October 22, 2007

One Green Thing

If only everyone would do just one thing to green up their act...
Here's one thing we propose. Come to the Home & Country Show Oct 25 - 28 at the CNE Automotive Bldg Toronto and check out Echoes in the Attic's greener choices.
Along with our best-sellers Purse-nickety, Hipster(Hipster Doofus for you Seinfeld die-hards), Purse-nickety Hipster (the hybrid) and ReBag we're launching a couple of new things...our huge recycled Tote Bags are finally here, and Christmas gift packages which include our sell-out ReBag made of 100% 'rescued remnants' with 2 organic, fair trade body bars from Simply. Simply has been enjoying such popularity that it makes it difficult for Amanda to get around to make her 'no-emissions-footprint' bike deliveries. Simply has the same ethos as Echoes in the Attic so we got together. What better container for body bars to come in than a recycled purse. Brilliant!
So, do your planet a service, support Canadian, home-grown business doing their best to do just one thing to help you green up your act.
See you at the show.
Laura & Vicky

Friday, October 19, 2007

What a Week

Wow, what a week. We've been busier than squirrels getting our stock ready for the upcoming Home & Country Show at the CNE's Automotive Bldg next week. It's starts Oct 25 through 28th and our booth is a group effort of beautiful not so shabby, shabby-chic style furniture, photography, jewelry, pillows and handbags of all styles, shapes and designs and all from the 'discard pile of life'. This week we shipped our recycled wares to two new stores in Nelson B.C. and a Webstore in Manitoba, managed to re-stock some current stores and still have loads of fabulous product for the show. Last year we had so many visitors to our little 10' x 10' booth but this year we're going twice as big with all our eco-fab goodies. We do hope you'll come out and see just how much we can pack into our booth to tempt you...Christmas is just around the corner and there's no better time than the present to think about our future...Buy Recycled, Hand-made, Canadian! See you at the Show.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Echoes in the Attic & Shabby Lane Interiors T.V. debut

Lisa Finch of Shabby Lane Interiors and I spent our day doing something pretty fun...we were guests on a Rogers cable show today called Daytime. We were there to talk about our "co-production" of a packed & stacked little 10' x 10' jewel box of a booth at this years Home & Country Show we're doing. It all takes place at the Automotive Building at the CNE Oct. 25 - 28.
Lisa and her sister Kelly are displaying painted furniture and amazing artwork of photography touched by technology and a little sparkle...all in a not-so-shabby, Shabby Lane way.
Vicky and I will be there too with all our best selling recycled purse styles, pillows and a couple of new exciting things like gift packs of ReBags with organic soap by none other than Simply. These are the best body bars...great hostess or Christmas gifts. We've got reclaimed/recycled leathers, silks with raffia you just have to see to believe. We'll have Auntie Em's Jewelry using buttons and beads in unique necklaces and new interchangeable belt buckles.
If you love eco-chic this is the place to find it.
Can't wait to see everyone!

Shhhhh...we've got a secret!

Soon enough you'll see it in black & white what everyone's asking for this Christmas!
TLC's "TeeBag"
is coming to three Canadian Christmas Wish Lists.
Only available in select boutiques or through Echoes' webstore.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The TeeBag by TLC is in demand

TLC's TeeBag takes the lowly T-shirt to new heights. The one who puts all her TLC into her line of recycled T-shirt bags is Tracy Lee Crandall. After a long while fending off offers from perfect strangers to buy the bag right off her shoulder Tracy thought she might be on to something! She started out slowly but since the calendar flipped to '07 it's been all hands on deck making her beautiful, one of a kind art-pieces we fashionistas are looking for to be the one with the most unusual, jaw-dropping accessories....and you're doing your part for the environment as these eco-chic babies are recycled to boot! When Tracy, Vicky and I started discussing our joint efforts selling on our websites and launching in a few of our more exclusive boutiques we had no idea how crazy things were going to get. We're currently battening down the hatches and stockpiling like mad as the TeeBag is set to launch on not one, but two National magazine Christmas Wish Lists. Until we met Tracy, we thought old T-shirts were only good for cleaning windows...WE WERE WRONG!