March 5 of this year I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I would have 6 rounds of chemotherapy. March 6 was our local Karate school's fundraiser where one of your beautiful Echoes bags had been kindly donated. My friend and I were admiring it on the auction table. We were talking about how often I would be going back and forth to the hospital for my treatments. I was going to be there for several hours each time so I had better pack a lunch and books for reading. I was going to need a bag to put all this stuff in. She was going to bid on it for me as a surprise birthday gift. So she did. Then, she got to talking to another friend of ours who was also bidding on the bag, and this girl really wanted it for her friend as a birthday gift too. So my friend stopped bidding. Well, as the night went on and the auction was coming to a close my friend's husband noticed that someone had out bid my friend. Not knowing that his wife had stopped bidding so the other girl could get the bag, my friend's hubby out bid her and won the bag. So for my birthday, a week later, I was given the bag you donated to the Silent Auction. The bag is beautiful and I LOVE IT!!! My bag went to every doctor's appointment, all lab days and every chemo treatment I had. My bag carried every test result I had. It carried my "book" of questions and special dates and notes, word search books, books to read. You name it my bag carried it back and forth from the hospital. I am grateful for my bag ... if it could talk the stories it would tell about the places it has been. Thank you for being so creative!
We loved getting this email and needed to share it. As a cancer survivor myself, this one really touched me. Happy to report that this gal is doing GREAT. Cancer is also in her rear view mirror and we're so glad she's healthy now and happily still carrying her Echoes bag she took to all her chemos.
We loved getting this email and needed to share it. As a cancer survivor myself, this one really touched me. Happy to report that this gal is doing GREAT. Cancer is also in her rear view mirror and we're so glad she's healthy now and happily still carrying her Echoes bag she took to all her chemos.
1 comment:
Now that's a good news story on all fronts!
Diane Rusk
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