Friday, November 16, 2007

TLC in Canadian Living Magazine

Check out this month's Canadian Living Magazine where our friend and awesome designer, Tracy Lee Crandall of TLC Bags ( has her own spot (#21) on the Christmas Wish List.
Echoes in the Attic is so proud to carry her gorgeous, recycled, crocheted T-shirt bags called The TeeBag. This is recycling genius at it's best...clever girl! Since we started carrying Tracy's creations the demand has gone through the roof, and now to be recognized in a national magazine...kudos to you Tracy!
You can see Tracy's gorgeous TeeBags and Felted Wool bags at the One of a Kind Show '07

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Northern Exposure Artisan Open Studio Sale

This is our last show of '07 where you can buy our beautiful recycled wares direct from Echoes in the Attic. We've been invited to show at a house/studio tour called Northern Exposure in beautiful Aurora Ontario. We'll be surrounded by other talented artisans showing pottery, photography, jewelry and soaps in a lovely home setting replete with home-made treats and goodies.
Don't miss this once a year event where you can get a head start on your Christmas shopping!
Nov 10th 10am - 5pm &
Nov 11th 11am - 5pm
34 Tribbling, Aurora, ON,+Aurora,+ON&ll=44.010225,-79.481792&spn=0.028087,0.058365&z=14&iwloc=addr&om=1