Thursday, March 1, 2012

Echoes on CTV National News "Canadian Originals"

Just finished shooting a segment for CTV National News "Canadian Originals" on Echoes in the Attic. Two days of shooting will have to be edited down to two minutes profiling our little eco-biz.
We're thrilled to be considered Canadian Original-worthy and look forward to announcing the air date and what that may bring to our busy little business.
What an honor.
Thanks to the crew and producer who did such a great job making us feel at ease like it was a regular day, The Global Group who graciously allowed cameras in to their factory to follow us on a 'fabric hunt' and Casa Luna in Aurora who welcomed the cameras into their store to show our finished product.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - A Fresh Start

Every year at this time we re-focus and re-strategize with new goals and designs we'd like to do but never seem to have time for in our day to day busy schedules. It's our goal to get some new designs launched off the drawing board, into the prototyping stage where we tweak and play till we're in LOVE with the new style. This year we'll do our share of this, but along with our eco-handbags we hope that Echoes in the Attic will soon morph into what we've always envisioned and what some of you have been asking us to do...a line of upcycled products that's wider and broader. The evolution of Echoes has kept us very busy and very happy with steadily growing numbers of eco-peeps that love carrying our 'salvage-savvy' bags. Since it's inception in '05 when we started Echoes, we always hoped we would have the time and space to commit to accessories for home as well. Our addiction to antique wool and chenille blankets has us thinking of squishy, feather pillows again, upcycled lamps painted with fabric covered shades, old b&w photographs and uniquities that have Echoes one of a kind style and that takes upcycling to the next level. We'll keep you posted on our vision...stay tuned.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Love this shot as our 'ode to the Picker Sisters',
HGTV Tues. at 10pm
We love the way these two ladies re-use, re-purpose, up-cycle hard materials like truck fenders into designs for sofa's, antique commercial signs for headboards, just like we do with XS textiles from office chairs, drapery and sample fabric.
Keep up the great re-inventive work Picker Sisters, and we will too.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pre-Christmas Sale Events Round-Up

November and early December are the busiest months on our calendar. Echoes gets out there and interacts with customers to find out what you really want. Hands-free, cross-body, pockets, more pockets, longer straps, wider name it and we hear it. All this customer interaction helps us streamline and make our upcycled, vegan, Canadian, handmade ecobags even better.
You can follow us on facebook to find out all the specifics but in the meantime, here's the overall lowdown:
Nov 5 - Holland Landing Community Ctr 10am - 3pm
Nov 12 - Port Perry High School Craft Sale 10am - 5pm
Nov 12 - Bradford Arts Guild at the New Bradford Library 10am - 5pm
Nov 18 - St. John's Presbyterian Church Bradford fundraiser 7 - 9pm
Nov24 - York County fundraiser, York County Bldg Newmarket 10am - 4pm
Nov 25/26 - Warehouse Sale, 22 Gres Court Bradford, Fri 2 - 8 pm
Nov 30 - CBC Craft Sale, Front St. Toronto 9am - 5pm
Dec 2/3 - Warehouse Sale, 22 Gres Court Bradford, Fri 4 - 8pm, Sat 11am - 3pm

Hope to see you out for some great deals on Echoes 'upcycled ecohandbags for planet-lovers'.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Falling Leaves drift by the window. The autumn leaves of red and gold - lyrics, Frank Sinatra

Fall is one of the loveliest seasons.  It brings with it enough chill to change from the sleeveless, cottaging, carefree days of summer to that feeling of feathering the nest and a change in wardrobe with layers, colours and textures of warmth.  Nothing like tossing on a great scarf over a warm jacket with an Echoes, warm-toned, cross-body flatbag and you're good to go.  Get out there.  Go walking in the autumn leaves.  Hold hands with a loved one.  Stroll the markets and see nature's bounty.  Get to a fall fair or cranberry festival  Just don't worry about what your carrying, Echoes best selling Zipster & Zipster Jr. add just the right hit of colour and pattern and keep your hands free for more important things.
Happy Autumn everyone! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ah, Summer...

Seasons come and seasons go. Echoes loves the bright greens of spring in all it's newness turning into the fullness of summer. Autumn colours inspire and winter's grey only benefits by a splash of colour wherever you can. At Echoes we love each season for the backdrop of lovely eco-designs we reinvent from XS textiles.
There's an ease to summer's wardrobe and the fun is adding just the right bag to the simplest outfit to make it pop. Echoes soft pinks and apple or celadon greens will fade slowly to the autumn golds and browns...keep your eye out for the subtle changes and remember, nab the bag you love before it's gone, they're one of a kind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring 2011

Spring bags are coming in and going out even faster. Funky florals, graphics, cut velvets and colour, colour, colour. We've up'd production and are keeping up but that leaves very little time to just sit and admire any particular faves...and there are a few. We've loaded our brand new webstore with some great bags...the new Hipster/Zipper is still leading the pack of faves along with the new Zip Jr. People love the zippers!
Check out our new webstore or a funky bricks 'n mortar store or eco-boutique near you.